Monday, February 27, 2012


Image Detail

Saturday, February 18, 2012


From a few of our newest titles:

Diabetes Rising: How a Rare Disease Became a Modern Pandemic, and What to Do About It, Dan Hurley. Kaplan Publishing, 2010.

"Diabetes Rising takes on the fastest-growing disease in history with a take-no-prisoners attitude. You've got to love the author's pugnacity...Not willing to live with the enemy, he wants to kill it in its crib."
                  -- Chris Matthews, Host of Hardball with Chris Matthews

Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Frontlines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture, Peggy Orenstein. Harper Collins, 2011.

"...And how dangerous is pink and pretty anyway...? Being a princess is just make-believe, after all; eventually they grow out of it. Or do they?"
                  -- from the dust-jacket

Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy, Martin Lindstrom. Crown Business, 2011.
Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy
"If you want to learn to cut through marketers' phony health and wellness claims and make smarter desicions about both your body and your money, you need to read this eye-opening book."

                  -- Dr. Mehmet Oz, Coauthor of
                     You: The Owner's Manual

Monday, February 13, 2012

Get to Know This Amazing Citation Tool!

EasyBib I'm guessing that by now your instructors are challenging you to cite(identify in print) the various sources of information you use for assignments. These sources include books, journal articles, websites, government documents, electronic books, DVD's, and more. Well, please know that the Library has on its own website a link to EasyBib Premium, a citation machine that will help you cite your sources in MLA or APA format. Plus you can use EasyBib Premium to store your sources and keep track of your research notes.  Click here or visit our Research Help page, where the link is found.
And, as always, please never hesitate to ask a Librarian for help using EasyBib, or with any other library-related matter. We're here for you.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012